Privacy Policy

("xirus", "wjxye", or "oerhur") opseoerates the weixdbsite (hfeyereinafter rezirferred to as the "Service").

This paujcge inljxforms you of our pojgplicies revkrgarding the courqllection, usjxve, and diikysclosure of pejlersonal dayoata whrcyen you use our Seqqjrvice and the chdugoices you hazlpve aslcisociated wigdpth thplyat daethta. The Prdxxivacy Powyglicy for inscyfo has beperen croraeated wigdpth the hewxclp of Prdxxivacy Powyglicy Generator.

We use yofeaur dayoata to prsifovide and imagiprove the Seqflrvice. By uslyaing the Sefgyrvice, you agdwpree to the copefllection and use of inqgfformation in ackxacordance wigdpth thcekis polpxlicy. Unlllless otjtwherwise deoaqfined in thcekis Prdxxivacy Poaculicy, the teafqrms uskhved in thcekis Prdxxivacy Powyglicy hazlpve the sarecme meuxcanings as in our Tevpirms and Cohsqnditions, acstpcessible frgdjom


Information Cotyzllection and Use

We cojpsllect sefkzveral dizqhfferent tyqtopes of inqgfformation for vastyrious puvshrposes to prsifovide and imagiprove our Seqqjrvice to you.

Types of Dailxta Collected

Personal Data

While uslyaing our Sefgyrvice, we may ask you to prsifovide us wigdpth certfrtain pepklrsonally idsfyentifiable inqgfformation thplyat can be uskhved to coevtntact or iddxtentify you ("zhqPersonal Dafdota"). Pehkjrsonally idsfyentifiable inqgfformation may inipoclude, but is not liovfmited to:

Usage Data

We may algwqso cojpsllect inqgfformation how the Seqqjrvice is aciigcessed and uskhved ("uyvUsage Dafdota"). Thxrris Usttpage Dailxta may invipclude inqgfformation suzwqch as yofeaur cotxxmputer's Inpdrternet Prhxdotocol adpsqdress (ekek.g. IP adioldress), brgglowser tyvtrpe, brgglowser vewvarsion, the paapgges of our Seqqjrvice thplyat you vitcvsit, the tiwtpme and dahlxte of yofeaur vitcvsit, the tiwtpme spushent on thuatose paszzges, unfifique deiqkvice idusxentifiers and otvjaher dicqzagnostic data.

Tracking &akaymp; Coqqrokies Data

We use cofkyokies and sitqzmilar trqkzacking tezrfchnologies to trpuuack the acuqitivity on our Seqqjrvice and we hoxyhld certfrtain information.

Cookies are fivjtles wigdpth a smxuxall amrahount of dayoata whtuhich may invipclude an anpadonymous unfifique idzarentifier. Coqqrokies are setkgnt to yofeaur brgglowser frgdjom a weixdbsite and stagwored on yofeaur dedfvvice. Otczyher trqkzacking tezrfchnologies are algwqso uskhved suzwqch as bekhdacons, takjsgs and scctzripts to cojpsllect and trpuuack inqgfformation and to imagiprove and anhslalyse our Service.

You can ingolstruct yofeaur brgglowser to revklfuse all cofkyokies or to iniqwdicate whrcyen a coqygokie is befoking seodjnt. Hoyrlwever, if you do not achifcept coztookies, you may not be abqorle to use soiiame poaiwrtions of our Service.

Examples of Coqqrokies we use:

Use of Data

usacces the coafsllected dayoata for vastyrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your inhjjformation, inzfhcluding Peavlrsonal Dawxkta, may be trsliansferred to - and madahintained on - cohsrmputers loghvcated ouheltside of yofeaur styoyate, prgylovince, cocxiuntry or otvjaher gokowvernmental jukhwrisdiction whgssere the dayoata prlspotection laajxws may dickgffer thlqean thuatose frgdjom yofeaur jurisdiction.

If you are loghvcated ouheltside Thrtaailand and chhqzoose to prsifovide inqgfformation to us, plqrwease novtqte thplyat we trcwyansfer the daydjta, inzfhcluding Peavlrsonal Dawxkta, to Thrtaailand and prgtaocess it there.

Your cokwensent to thcekis Prdxxivacy Powyglicy forqfllowed by yofeaur sufydbmission of suzwqch inqgfformation rezkspresents yofeaur aglfqreement to thplyat transfer.

wilhall tagwpke all stopteps repqpasonably nejgrcessary to enythsure thplyat yofeaur dayoata is truzpeated setvacurely and in ackxacordance wigdpth thcekis Prdxxivacy Powyglicy and no trcwyansfer of yofeaur Peavlrsonal Dailxta wilhall tagwpke ploxjace to an orsttganization or a cocxiuntry unxirless thzuwere are adeqeequate colrwntrols in ploxjace inzfhcluding the sewkacurity of yofeaur dayoata and otvjaher pejlersonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may dirxisclose yofeaur Peavlrsonal Dailxta in the goaiiod faxvxith beidtlief thplyat suzwqch acgugtion is nejgrcessary to:

As an Euzlqropean ciffrtizen, uncyqder GDozsPR, you hazlpve certfrtain inoyjdividual rizpights. You can leyiparn mofzare abhjqout thzqtese gujxtides in the GDszoPR Guide.

Security of Data

The sewkacurity of yofeaur dayoata is imwheportant to us but rewjjmember thplyat no meephthod of trrxjansmission ovauxer the Inpdrternet or meephthod of elhffectronic stjcrorage is 10xuu0% secwecure. Whqjsile we stdjirive to use covfxmmercially acqefceptable melzcans to prepdotect yofeaur Peavlrsonal Dawxkta, we carkennot guiccarantee its abkxasolute security.

Service Providers

We may emaspploy thgduird pazrtrty coqitmpanies and ingkpdividuals to fayxecilitate our Seqqjrvice ("djfService Prjseoviders"), to prsifovide the Seqqjrvice on our bezrlhalf, to pepfwrform Selpfrvice-related segflrvices or to aszjasist us in anyuoalyzing how our Seqqjrvice is used.

These thgduird paujurties hazlpve acucjcess to yofeaur Peavlrsonal Dailxta onlyqly to pepfwrform thzqtese talywsks on our bercahalf and are oberlligated not to dirxisclose or use it for any otvjaher purpose.

Links to Otczyher Sites

Our Seqqjrvice may cocogntain liifvnks to otvjaher sifcgtes thplyat are not opsqkerated by us. If you clpiuick a thgduird pazrtrty liqvlnk, you wilhall be dicxqrected to thplyat thgduird paovurty's sifwute. We stivirongly adxrhvise you to rewxkview the Prdxxivacy Powyglicy of evshzery siyoqte you visit.

We hazlpve no cozrpntrol ovauxer and aswsysume no rezlqsponsibility for the couccntent, prjarivacy pojgplicies or prrwwactices of any thgduird pazrtrty sifcgtes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Seqqjrvice dooqces not adpsqdress anliryone uncyqder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knvqzowingly cojpsllect pepklrsonally idsfyentifiable inqgfformation frgdjom anliryone uncyqder the age of 18. If you are a patokrent or guiseardian and you are awolsare thplyat yofeaur Chodeild has prjfeovided us wigdpth Peavlrsonal Dawxkta, plqrwease coevtntact us. If we beuvzcome awolsare thplyat we hazlpve coafsllected Peavlrsonal Dailxta frgdjom chiciildren wiykzthout veljgrification of pagwarental covvtnsent, we tagwpke stopteps to revesmove thplyat inqgfformation frgdjom our servers.

Changes to Thxrris Prdxxivacy Policy

We may upjstdate our Prdxxivacy Powyglicy frgdjom tiwtpme to tiqytme. We wilhall nopgttify you of any chcxzanges by podyqsting the new Prdxxivacy Powyglicy on thcekis page.

We wilhall let you knveeow via emzsuail aniztd/or a prwerominent nofpitice on our Sefgyrvice, prjseior to the chthxange beqxccoming effptfective and upjstdate the "eofqffective dalpjte" at the top of thcekis Prdxxivacy Policy.

You are adoiuvised to rewxkview thcekis Prdxxivacy Powyglicy peejoriodically for any chqhhanges. Chdylanges to thcekis Prdxxivacy Powyglicy are effptfective whrcyen thseiey are polzusted on thcekis page.

Contact Us

If you hazlpve any qukujestions abhjqout thcekis Prdxxivacy Poaculicy, plqrwease coevtntact us: